CLUB OUTING - FELIXSTOWE PORT - ACCOMPANIED TOUR - 11th MARCH - see details under NEWS/Club Events - hover over NEWS to see menu!


Luncheon Speakers

Icon FMMC Speakers 12-21.pdf

21st December 2021 Nick Barber “Memorabilia & Collectables”

18th January 2022 Gordon Howes “The Red Arrows: A pilot’s view”

15th February 2022 Mark Jepson, Mayor of Felixstowe

“How the pandemic changed the town”

15th March 2022 Emily Palmer “Sutton Hoo Shipbuilding”

19th April 2022 Dick Daniels “National Coastwatch Institute”

17th May 2022 Canon Richard Moore

“Sandling Stories by a Suffolk Rarity”

21st June 2022 Mark Ford “Lowland Search & Rescue”

19th July 2022 Clive Harris “History of the Royal Naval Division”

16th August 2022 No Meeting

20th September 2022 Bob Page “Seal Trappers and Container Ports”

Share a ride to a meeting

In the spirit of comradeship, which is unique to the Felixstowe Master Mariners Club, can we ask you to offer your services if you drive to the monthly meetings and are willing to bring another member from your area?

For instance, one member who has walking difficulty, lives in Woodbridge and would love to attend our lunch meetings but cannot always do so as there is not always a lift to transport him to and from home.

There may be others that we know have similar problems and, if we can put the driving members in touch with the non-driving members, that would be marvellous.

Also, we may not have seen some members recently. Have we checked why?

Please see what you can do to ensure we give all of our members the chance to join us each month.

Thank you.

Tim Thompson - Secretary