CLUB OUTING - FELIXSTOWE PORT - ACCOMPANIED TOUR - 11th MARCH - see details under NEWS/Club Events - hover over NEWS to see menu!

Charitable Donations 2024

(Updates to our Charitable endeavours may be found on our Home Page)

The Committee have pledged £300 this year to each of our eleven regular recipients, namely:-

Care Ashore (Incorporated as The Merchant Seamen's War Memorial Society)

RNLI Harwich

TS Landguard, Sea Cadet Corps,

Ocean Youth Trust South

The Seafarers' Charity (formerly Seafarers UK / King George's Fund for Sailors)

QVSR Seafarers Centres (Queen Victoria Seaman's Rest (QVSR) Mission) Felixstowe Seafarers' Centre,

Marine Society & Sea Cadets

ECST - (East Coast Sailing Trust)

1st Felixstowe Sea Scouts

The Shipwrecked Mariners' Society (incorporated as the Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society)

 National Coastwatch Institution (Felixstowe)

and we would also of course wish to take this opportunity in thanking all members for their generous support in attending our meetings and participating in the raffle. The income from the raffle has been greatly enhanced by the generous donations of prizes by members.