CLUB OUTING - FELIXSTOWE PORT - ACCOMPANIED TOUR - 11th MARCH - see details under NEWS/Club Events - hover over NEWS to see menu!


1. Please note that beginning with the 15th March luncheon, Bruno Mennens has kindly taken on the responsibility for taking the bookings from members.

If you are on the permanent list & find that you need to cancel or you are not on the permanent list and wish to book your place, please advise Bruno, by telephoning him on 01394-279179 by noon on the Friday prior to the Tuesday lunch.

Those members that are on the 'Oddballs' tables can ignore this and please continue to book your place with Keith Sale.

2. You can ask him to go on the permanent list and, if you are on that list:-

a) You have to say, when joining the list, that you wish to be on such & such a table.

b) You will be on that table until you advise the Dining Secretary that you wish to change.

c) You will be booked in for each meeting.

d) Luncheons not eaten must be paid for.

e) It follows, therefore, that you need to email (preferably) or phone the Dining Secretary before1200 hours on the Friday preceding the meeting, if you are not going to be at the meeting. If you email or speak with the answer-machine, your call will not be acknowledged.


....... if you elect not to be on the permanent list :-

a) You must email (preferably) or phone the Dining Secretary before 1200 hours on the Friday preceding the meeting, and book in. If you email or speak with the answer machine, your call will not be acknowledged.

b) If you wish to sit with a certain party, please say so when booking.

c) Once again, luncheons booked and not eaten must be paid for and you will be contacted to arrange this.

N.B. It goes without saying that if any member turns up on the day without having booked he will be unable to eat as it will not be possible to accommodate him.

In order to ensure accurate numbers may be given to the Caterers in good time it is essential that these rules are strictly adhered to at all times. All the Clubs officers are unpaid volunteers and your cooperation in adhering to these instructions will be greatly appreciated, as well as saving the above-mentioned officers much time and trouble.

It would be appreciated by the members of the committee if you could join the permanent list.

28th January 2016